Historical Statement

The Evangelical Synod Church was mainly outcome of the revival among the Gangtes in 1925-26 at Milongmun, Henglep Sub-Division, Manipur South. In the year 1953 Gangte linguistic group had revival conference at Chiengkawnpang, Churachandpur under the Chairmanship of Bawia with Rev. K. Thuomngell as Secretary. At this Conference a resolution adopted for the first time was that the Name of the Church of the Society shall be called the ‘Evangelical Synod Church.

The founder members of the Church were- 1. Pastor Bawia – Chairman 2. Mr. Khamthang (Rev. K. Thuomngell) – Secretary 3. Pastor Vangzadal 4. Pastor Khaivung 5. Mr. Lampum. And the area is divided into three Presbyteries called the Irang Area, Saichang Area and Phai Biel. These three Presbyteries together should have common conference or Annual Conference at the end of every year. The Annual Conference shall be the highest Apex body of the Church or Society. The Annual Conference elects the members to be Executive Committee for a term of four years. This Committee will eventually acts on behalf of the Annual Conference according to arise of needs or matters related to the Church of Society. All the resolution passed by the Executive Committee shall be put up to the Annual Conference for final approval.


  1. to do charitable works
  2. to do Evangelistic works
  3. to do Educational works
  4. to do relief works
  5. to raise funds from individual person or group of persons or Church Organisation to achieve its aim and objectives
  6. to do vocational trainings
  7. to do social upliftment


As mentioned above, the Church/ Society is self-support and indigenous society. All income received from Tithe, free gifts, collection from individuals, group and church organisations are centralized at the Head Office. For special project and for training programmes any collection or Funds available from well-wishers are received in order to fulfills the projects and programmes. The Executive Committee is given full freedom to explore ways and means contacting any Churches, Organisations and any funding Agency as and when needs arises for special programme and project.


The great commission of Jesus Christ found in Matthew 28:17, 18 the Church/ Society’s imperative tasks is to preach the Gospel to every creatures and to let hears every nation the Gospel of Christ with a loving heart and tender mercy. To uplift the trodden people of their moral and spiritual standard. To render any possible helps to the poor’s and handicapped person. For this purpose, funds are drive and collection made from individual person and groups as well. With these available funds, Mission fields are opened as operational base. Along with this objective, schools are opened for the children’s who are not able to go to a good education centre due to high tuition fees and fairs. Those who sacrificed their life as Missionaries are engaged to teach the school boys/girls free of cost. Some interested persons are employed as teacher to teach and run the school at low salary. Mission fields and schools are run as charitable institutions exclusively for the poorer family. This policy is carry out and push forwards as faith adventure purely depending on God’s providential care and guidance.

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